Facer Watch Faces

by Facer Studios



La piattaforma di personalizzazione quadrante finale per smartwatches

Per saperne di piu

Facer Watch Faces is the ultimate watch face customization platform for WearOS & Tizen smartwatches. Facer offers everything you need to customize & personalize your WearOS or Samsung watch, including 100,000 free and premium watch faces from leading brands and artists. You can even make your own watch faces and share them with the world using the creator tool. Don’t be default, Facer offers everything you’ll need to bring your personal style to your smartwatch. nnnFACER NOW SUPPORTS SAMSUNG DEVICESnInstallation tips for Samsung users:n

  • Download & Install “Facer” app from the Google Play App storen
  • Make sure your Samsung watch is connected with your smartphone through the “Galaxy Wearable” app & bluetooth is turned on for both your phone and smartwatchn
  • Download & Install “Facer Companion for Samsung Watch” from the Samsung Galaxy App Storen
  • Long press on your Samsung smartwatch and scroll to select “Facer” as your chosen watchfacen
  • Open the Facer App from your phone and enjoy the full Facer experience with over 100,000 watchfaces or create your own using our world-renowned Facer Creator at www.facer.io/creator nnnFEEDBACK & TROUBLESHOOTINGn
  • If you’re having any issues using our app & watch faces or are dissatisfied in any way, please give us a chance to fix it for you before expressing dissatisfaction through ratings. n
  • You can contact us at https://help.facer.io/hc/en-us/requests/newn
  • If you are enjoying our watch faces, we always appreciate a positive reviewnnn100,000 WATCH FACESnThe largest single destination for free and premium faces, there is something for everyone in our vast collection. Explore the newest & most popular watch faces or use the new search feature to discover the perfect watch face for your mood.nnnTOP BRANDSnFind hundreds of premium faces from the world’s leading brands like Tetris™, Star Trek, Garfield, Ghostbusters, American Dad and more. There are new brands being added all the time so keep an eye out for new watch faces.nnnORIGINAL DESIGNSnFacer curates collections of original designs from talented watch face designers to bring you the most beautiful and dynamic faces available for your smartwatch.nnnPUBLISH YOUR WATCH FACE DESIGNS WITH FACER!nWant to create your own watch face designs & publish them through Facer, reaching thousands of smartwatch users? If so, we’re looking for talented artists to join our growing community of Facer-certified designers. Find out more by contacting us at [email protected]MAKE YOUR OWN WATCH FACEnMake your own watch faces with our powerful web-based editor at https://www.facer.io/creator (note: view on your laptop or desktop for full functionality). nnnFacer Creator Features include:n
  • Import and edit any image you’d liken
  • Included free watch hands and weather icon collectionn
  • Large custom font collectionsn
  • Numerous Time and Date layoutsn
  • Interactive and Animated Design capabilitiesn
  • Weather Conditions with Fahrenheit and Celsius supportn
  • Battery Level, Step Counter, Wifi Indicator, and Dynamic BackgroundsnnnCOMPATIBLE WITH ALL WEAROS AND SAMSUNG WATCHESnFacer watch faces are compatible with all of the latest WearOS and Samsung devices, including Nixon Mission, Polar m600, Michael Kors Smartwatch, Asus Zenwatch 3, Moto 360 Sport, Casio WSD-F10, Tag Heuer Smartwatch, Moto 360 1 & Moto 360 2nd gen, Huawei Android watch, Asus Zen Watch 1 & 2, Sony Smartwatch 3, LG G Android watch, LG G R Android watch, LG Urbane smartwatch, Samsung Gear smartwatch and morennnCONNECTn
  • Facer Creator & Community: www.facer.ion
  • Instagram: https://instagram.com/getfacer/n
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/GetFacer